Completed musical compositions by Ro Hancock-Child

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Some compositions have been temporarily re-named for use on e.g. You Tube, to show up better in search results.

Says Ro: some pieces have been arranged electronically, bringing out musical elements I'd never noticed myself, as composer.


rec = has been recorded onto compact disc

perf = performed by

acc = accompanist

arr = arranged from

ms = manuscript

pno = piano

vlin = violin

ob = oboe


R H-C = Ro Hancock-Child

M H-C = Michael [Nik] Hancock-Child, baritone

Paul A-T = Paul Arden-Taylor [Dinmore Records]


You can find many of these tracks on streaming sites such as Spotify.

A good selection are on You Tube. Type in Ro Hancock-Child.


A ballad of John Silver [poem John Masefield] SONG rec. M H-C. Written for Geoff Fisher, sailor's son.

A night for love oboe d'amore + pno, vlin + pno [bowing marks kindly supplied by Lyn Parker] Rec as solo pno R H-C.

A walk in the green lane pno solo  Rec R H-C.

All that is gold [riddle J R Tolkien] SONG solo voice + pno, also sop + baritone with pno.

Alley cat [words Don Marquis] SONG rec as solo pno R H-C.

Ancient music [poem Mike Doyle] SONG rec. M H-C, rec as solo pno R H-C. See You Tube.

Andalucian dream ob + pno written for oboist Thierry Cammaert and tested out in Le Marais, Belgium

Antipodean fanfare pno solo rec R H-C, written in jest and based on Waltzing Matilda

Aquarius pno solo rec R H-C

Argonaut pno solo rec R H-C perf Olivia Dance [issued as Barrier Reef R H-C. See YouTube + guinea pig Rex sitting on keyboard]

Aries pno solo rec R H-C

Baby seed song [poem E Nesbit] rec. Glenys Groves, written for Glenys Groves, her favourite poem from childhood, See You Tube.

Bad drain blues pno solo rec R H-C humorous item in set called Household Chores

Ballooning pno solo rec R H-C

Believe ob & piano arr from song Do not stand

Best of all pno solo rec R H-C 

Binsey Poplars [poem Gerard Manley Hopkins] SONG rec. M H-C

Blue [poem Catherine Rose] SONG

Blue remembered hills [poem A E Housman] pno solo rec R H-C

Bright stars singing/Words of old [arr. from poem by Robert Bridges] SONG, rec. M H-C. See You Tube. First performance in Ipswich, Essex in a Christmas choir concert at the invitation of baritone + conductor Patrick McCarthy.

Cancer pno rec R H-C

Candle song [words Leo Marx] rec. M H-C. Written for Jill and Peter Skinner, Candle Villa, Felpham. See You Tube.

Capricorn pno solo rec R H-C

Caralan, the comforter pno duet rec R H-C as a solo

Cargoes + revised [poem John Masefield] SONG rec. Glenys Groves. Dedicated to Gary Bachlund, who got Ro composing.

Carols from King's, overheard pno solo rec R H-C

Cat and the moon, The [W B Yeats] SONG rec. Glenys Groves

Cleo [poem Roo Sangster-Bullers] SONG rec. Glenys Groves

Cockles and mussels [trad] SONG rec. M H-C. For Paddy McGuigan RNCM who taught Nick to sing.

Conkers pno duet

Corroboree pno solo rec R H-C, hommage a Paul Harvey (Rumba Toccata),. See You Tube.

Cowbar jackdaw pno solo rec R H-C. See YouTube. Written for Colin Mann of Cowbar, Staithes, surrounded by jackdaws.

Cowrie pno solo rec R H-C You Tube

Dance of bee and bird pno solo rec R-C

Dancing chicken, The pno solo rec R H-C, humorous piece

Dee's dreame pno solo rec R H-C. For Dee Speers in memory of her son who was murdered on an NHS ward.

Dinner for two [poem Melanie Penycate] SONG rec.Glenys Groves. See You Tube.

Do not stand at my grave and weep [trad?] SONG rec. Glenys Groves. See You Tube.

Dream song (Touchwood light and toadlight) [poem Walter de la Mare] pno solo rec R H-C

Dreamtime pno solo rec R H-C

Drip-tip solo pno, pno duet rec as solo R H-C

Eagle flower oak (A Tennyson trilogy, 3 short poems by Tennyson) SONG rec. M H-C

Earth and air and rain pno solo rec R H-C written for Tim [chaplain] of Chichester Cathedral

Eli Jenkins' prayer [poem Dylan Thomas] SONG rec. M H-C. See You Tube, melody has been revised since then.

Everyone sang [poem Siegfried Sassoon] SONG rec. M H-C

Falling of the leaves, The [poem W B Yeats] SONG rec. Glenys Groves

Fantasia on a theme of Thomas Tallis arr for solo piano. Can be published in 2027, so we are informed.

Flying with the jet-stream pno solo rec R H-C. See YouTube live perf.

Free [poem Eugene O'Neill] SONG rec. M H-C

Gemini pno solo rec R H-C

Genie wakes, The solo pno Unpub. Unrec.

Green air choir SATB [Ro's own words]

Grey washer by the ford, The pno solo rec R H-C

Hell and I [poem A E Housman] SONG rec M H-C, also rec Graham Trew acc. David Williams

I once had a true love/Variations on a wedding pno solo rec R H-C [on You Tube as The Big D]

Ice is melting, The pno solo rec R H-C dedicated to concert pianist Valerie Tryon whom Ro knows and greatly admires.

If cat could speak/renamed Rex's Rumba [words by critic/reviewer John Robert Brown] SONG

Imp pno solo rec R H-C

Jabberwocky [poem Lewis Carroll] SONG rec M H-C requested by bass singer Alexander Vassiliev. See You Tube.

Jenny kissed me [Leigh Hunt] SONG requested by Paul Sangster-Bullers

Jewel fairy, The pno solo rec R H-C

Jack-in-the-green pno solo rec R H-C

Jack-knife (razor shell) pno solo rec R H-C

Kingfisher pno solo rec R H-C, based on a Ravel song

Lake isle of Innisfree, The [poem "I will arise"] words W B Yeats, SONG, rec M H-C. See YouTube played by R H-C as solo piano

Lanterns pno solo inspired by the painting Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose by John Singer Sargent.  Rec R H-C. See You Tube.

Leo pno solo rec R H-C Trinity College exam piece grade 7. See You Tube.

Libra pno solo rec R H-C

Life, to be sure [poem A E Housman] SONG, rec Graham Trew acc David Williams

Light-leaved spring [poem A E Housman] SONG, rec Graham Trew acc David Williams, final bars removed at their request.

Lightning tree solo pno + pno duet rec as solo pno R H-C

Lime pickle pno solo rec R H-C [You Tube out-take]

Love song PIANO SOLO rec R H-C YouTube live perf

Lucifer pno duet (ms lost)

Lullaby for Amy pno solo rec R H-C For Sue Misselbrook whose little daughter Amy was killed by the NHS.

1st pf Pamela Chomik, Argentina. See YouTube live perf R H-C with Harry the baby guinea-pig singing. 

Magic land (Cornwall) SONG [poem Hazel Spurr, mother of LBC presenter Richard Spurr who is Ro's cousin]

Michael piano duet rec as solo R H-C

Midnight storyteller pno solo rec R H-C. 1st perf John Mitchell

Minnie and Winnie [poem Tennyson] SONG rec Glenys Groves who decided these were two whelk shells

Mole's magic pno solo rec R H-C. For 'Mole' = Benedict Sangster-Bullers

New Dyson, The pno solo, humorous piece

Night freight pno solo rec R H-C

Northern lights pno solo rec R H-C. See You Tube.

O curlew cry no more in the air pno solo, cor ang/pno, rec ob/Paul A-T, also rec as solo pno R H-C

On Wenlock Edge [poem A E Housman] SONG

Other end of nowhere, The pno solo rec R H-C

Owl that calls upon the night, The/Night owl pno solo rec R H-C

Paradise bird pno solo rec R H-C

Passion!! pno solo

Pavane for the ghost who will not sleep pno solo rec R H-C, also see You Tube for electronic version. 

peals, christ church tower pno solo rec R H-C

Pisces pno solo rec R H-C

Quasar pno solo rec R H-C for Olga Wolfe, superstar. Also see You Tube (electronic version)

Play on, play on [Shakespeare, from Viola's speech in Twelfth Night] SONG

Raphael pno duet rec as solo R H-C

red sky, Powick pno solo rec R H-C

Rhapsody for piano (Night after night, inspired by Samuel Barber's Vanessa) pno solo rec R H-C

Rhymes of the Universe, The pno solo rec R H-C

Ring out wild bells [poem Tennyson] SONG

rose window, york pno solo rec R H-C

Safe [poem Christina Rossetti] SONG

Sagittarius pno solo rec R H-C

Said the wind to the leaves pno solo (Dedicated to Ro's idol, concert pianist Howard Shelley), rec R H-C

Scorpio pno solo rec R H-C

Shade solo pno + pno duet, pno solo rec R H-C

Skipping rope, The [poem Tennyson] SONG

Silk wood pno solo rec R H-C

Silver apples of the moon, The [poem W B Yeats] SONG rec M H-C

Song of the lonely sock pno solo, probably best forgotten.

Sparkle the sapphire pno solo rec R H-C

Speed of Light, The (Sports Car) pno solo rec R H-C for Jonathan Wolfe, British Music Society, a wizard with words. See You Tube.

Spick and span pno solo rec R H-C

Summer sarabande pno solo rec R H-C

Sun, rain pno solo rec R H-C

Tarantella pno solo rec R H-C

Tarantella arr. from piece by Madeleine Dring, for ob + pno

Tantony pig pno solo rec R H-C

Tapestry of life, The Soprano Alto Tenor [words Henry Haskins] for Bognor Regis Community Choir

Taurus pno solo  rec R H-C

There is some kiss [poem Rumi] SONG rec as pno solo R H-C

Those holes in the road humorous pno solo rec R H-C

Those ol' blue devils pno solo rec R H-C

Till there is no more rain pno solo rec R H-C

Tree-gazing pno solo rec R H-C

Two inside infinity [poem Catherine Rose] SONG rec as pno solo R H-C

Tread softly [poem W B Yeats] SONG rec M H-C. See You Tube.

Triton pno solo rec R H-C

Vain as a peacock/Peacock blues rec R H-C

Variations on a shower pno solo rec R H-C (dedicated to Stephen Hough with tiny adjustment to printed version)

Virginia, SONG [poem Catherine Rose] basis of piano solo Passion!!

Virgo pno solo rec R H-C self-portrait (busy, busy)

Walkabout cl + pno, also solo pno rec R H-C

White nights pno solo rec R H-C

Wild geese, The pno solo based on Irish folk tune Shule

Wild green woods, The [poem A E Housman] SONG rec Glenys Groves, 1st perf Glenys Groves acc Mike Moran. See You Tube.

Winter fugue/Waiting long, spring will come pno solo rec R H-C. Dediated to Ro's piano teacher Ian Riddle

Wish spell pno solo rec R H-C

ZaPa-Teado ob + piano 'taylor-made' for Ro's sound engineer Paul A-T, rec with P A-T. See You Tube.


SETS of pieces, explanation of:

Westonbirt Sketches, inspired by Westonbirt Arboretum, Gloucesterhire = 1. Silk Wood, 2. Tree-gazing, 3. Midnight Storyteller, 4. Till there is no more rain, composed Tetbury Gloucestershire, first performance in the Oak Hall at Westonbirt Arboretum, also see article and musical quotes in their Westonbirt magazine, Holfordiana. Ro was also asked to adjudicate a school music competition at Westonbirt School, held in the Orangery.

12 Zodiac Preludes written very early, at Tetbury, Gloucestershire. LEO selected as an examination piece for Trinity/Guildhall.

Painting by Numbers, a 'dig' at a comment by Ro's unpleasant school Art teacher Harry Smith who said she could not draw. She adore colour and, inspired by Madeleine Dring's Colour Suite, she wrote a set of her own. The Blue one is in the bluesy key of G mnor. [Lime/White/Green/Blue/Grey.]